To schedule phone/online discussion, you can select below 30 min, 1 hour, or 2 hours time slot (whatever is actual time will only be charged). Confirmation will be sent to you automatically via email and SMS, and there is no more manual confirmation required.
This is NOT a free advisory service. Read both the points below:
1. For those booking appointment for first time, please pay before scheduling as per any of the 👉 paid options. If you also want free guidance from community, you can join Men Rights India group or many other forums online.
2. For subsequent appointments, please check the google sheet shared privately with you for your latest balance, and you can pay up before making appointment paying for (any negative existing balance + for the time needed).
Any appointments booked but without payment made already will get cancelled.
For those desirous of being able to call anytime (best effort subject to my availability at that time), send email to know the charges per hour.
(Note: booking appointment is allowed only within next 7 days and must be booked 6 hours before preferred time slot)
Note: In case the automated appointment does not work for you, try contacting via contact page.
If you are booking an appointment for first time, it is strongly recommended to send details in this format. It is one time step and not needed thereafter.
Use this form to send above filled details
Note: In case the booking form doesn’t show up below, please open this direct link to booking page.
Basic details related to booking appointments:
1. Booking times are shown in IST by default. To see timeslots in your own timezone, you can change the value of “Times are displayed in” dropdown to your timezone in form below.
2. Use the same name/email id in booking form as sent in case details, and use same name/email id every time thereafter. Mismatch may result in booking been cancelled.
3. For very first time appointment, booking should be considered confirmed only if payment has already been made.
4. Otherwise booking is considered confirmed automatically if all above points are in order.
Consult with Vivek Deveshwar
Cancel/Reschedule Policy: Our confirmation to your requested time slot means the discussion is confirmed at that time. If you have a real emergency/unplanned event then cancel but at least 4 hours (intimate via SMS only) before scheduled time. Since some people don’t seem to take the scheduled time seriously, so our policy now is that if you reschedule/cancel more than once; we have the option to cancel the services from that point onward, and your amount will be refunded to you (in full or partial as applicable). Rs 250 processing charge will be made for refund, because all these things waste our time and we want to discourage casual attitude. In rare cases where I myself need to reschedule due to unexpected emergency, I will inform in advance and reschedule to any earliest time convenient to you.